Links Between HX-Groups and Hypergroups

Result type
journal article in Web of Science database

The concept of an HX-group is an upgrade of the concept of a group, in which a new operation is defined on the family of non-empty subsets of a group. If this new support set together with the new operation is a group, then we call it an HX-group. On the other hand, a hyperoperation is a mapping having the same codomain as the operation of an HX-group, i.e., the family of non-empty subsets of the initial set, but a different domain — the set itself. This could be (and was indeed) a source of confusion, which is clarified in this paper. Moreover, HX-groups naturally lead to constructions of hypergroups. The links between these two algebraic concepts are presented, with the aim of reviving the old notion of an HX-group in the current research on algebraic hyperstructures. One of such existing links and one newly established link are also discussed.

HX-group, hyperstructure theory, Chinese hypergroupoid, EL-hyperstructure, power set