UMAT srdečně zve nejen kolegy matematiky na přednášku prof. V. Radulesca z University Craiova a Rumunské akademie s názvem Elliptic double-phase problems: New results and some perspectives.
Abstrakt přednášky:
In this talk, I shall report on some joint works in collaboration with P. Pucci (Perugia), N. Papageorgiou (Athens) and D. Repovs (Ljubljana). I shall be concerned with several types of singular or multi-phase phenomena arising in the theory of nonlinear elliptic equations. I will describe some striking results related to the existence of blow-boundary solutions, the generalized maximum principle, and a discontinuity property of the spectrum for double-phase problems. We establish that no monotonicity hypotheses are necessary in the statement of some classical theorems. Several open problems are raised in the final part of this lecture.
Přednáška proběhne v prostorách UMAT v místnosti T6.16 od 13:00.